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What is Notarizer API

Notarizer API aims to facilitate the notarization of documents on the blockchain, ignoring technical complications. This api focuses on simplicity and scalability. It enables clients to upload files to IPFS and notarize them in any of the available blockchain integrations.

IPFS Uploading: Decentrilized content storage, based on the InterPlanetary File System. A Client can upload, pin, verify and calculate the correspondent Content Identifier (CID) on IPFS.

Notarization: Decentilized content register, using the power of smart contract to register valuable information about the content on any of the available blockchain integrations.

Why is this important?

Notarizing a document on the blockchain allows you to know that it will remain unchanged and ensures the reliability of the information.

This api allows these notarizations to be carried out on all types of documents (images, videos, pdf, word and any other type of digital asset).

The api also integrates several networks making the selection of the same transparent and taking care of solving the particularities that each one has.

This makes this solution one of the simplest and most scalable on the market.